The mission of the SEVA NBCT Regional Network is to advance the quality of teaching and learning by
promoting the five core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
supporting a collaborative network of National Board certified teachers, candidates, regional superintendents, state legislators, community/business members, parents, and other educational professionals;
connecting network participants with teacher leadership opportunities
fostering the sharing of ideas and expertise within the National Board network as well as within the regional professional community.
Charter Members
SEVA NBCT Regional Network began in 2003 as the vision of nine National Board Certified Teachers from Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. They understood the benefits of certification and the power of networking. Our "Founding Mothers" are Shelly Deneau, Betty Jo English, Karen Gunter, Elizabeth Harris, Nancy Owens, Sue Perry, Marcella Rust, Karen Shinn, and Nancy Winter Traynor.