Why Join?
Become part of a group of education professionals who believe in the value of the National Board Certification process as a positive force to improve teaching and impact student learning.
Some benefits of membership include
Discounted registration to all SEVA NBCT Regional Network sponsored events
Networking with Region 2 NBCTs in area school districts
Supporting pre-candidates and candidates through workshop and conference opportunities
Promoting National Board Certification to all teachers in all districts in the Region 2 area
Staying current with NBPTS policy and VA DOE professional development opportunities
How to Join:
FULL Members must have achieved NBCT status and must either live or work in Region 2 as defined by the Virginia Department of Education. Only FULL members may vote on SEVA business.
AFFILIATE Membership is available for NBCT candidates and individuals who have not achieved NBCT status or do not live or work in VDOE Region 2. AND for anyone who would like to support our missions and goals. Affiliate members enjoy all privileges of SEVA membership with the exception of voting rights.
HONORARY Membership may be offered to an individual nominated by a Full Member and approved by the SEVA board. Such membership is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated commitment to SEVA's values and mission but has not become a member.
Annual dues are only $35.
Memberships paid after September 1 are valid through December of the following year.